November 6, 2023

UX Monthly Newsletter #10

As October concludes, we continue to see even more achievements come our way as we reach new heights in platform growth and development. Here's a summary.
By UX Marketing

Hey UX Community,

As the fall season continues, the month of October has been an eventful one for us here at UX. From implementing features that improve capital efficiency to listing even more assets, here's a summary of how the month of October went on UX.

We Launched Our New Special Asset Pair Function

This month, we continued to honor our commitment to implement updates that help UX users get more value for their time and strategies on our platform. 

Our Special Asset Pair Function went live as a one-of-a-kind feature that has never been done before in the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond! It allows users to enjoy special collateral weights when they supply and borrow certain specific pairs of assets. This means more borrowing power and even better capital efficiency! Our first special asset pair, $STOSMO/$OSMO is currently live now, with more special pairs slated to come over the next few months!

More Digital Wallet Integrations

You could always access the UX markets using your Keplr account, but we always kept in mind the feedback from users requesting the addition of support for even more digital wallets, allowing for even greater flexibility. This is why we are proud to announce the integration of MetaMask Snaps and Leap to UX. If either of these is your wallet of choice, we hope you enjoy using it to interact with our platform!

We Listed CBETH and RETH

Our goal is to have as many assets from the Cosmos and beyond available for anyone using the UX platform. This month we successfully added support for and eventually listed $CBETH and RETH from Coinbase and Rocketpool respectively. The demand for Ethereum and Ethereum derivative assets remains high, and we do our best to make as many variants as possible available to you. All the best in the strategies you plan to execute with these two assets!

It Was a Month of Inspired Creativity

We love to see our community come together for special occasions to showcase their creativity. This month was the perfect opportunity for this, as with the rebranding we had in September, we welcomed community collaboration on redesigning our new logo. It was the month of Halloween as well, and we could not pass up the chance to engage our users with a fun little Spooktober meme competition. Congratulations to the winners of both contests!

As the year settles into its last few months, we'd like our focus to remain on creating the best possible DeFi experience for our users. This means continuing to deliver on the key elements outlined in our 18-month roadmap and continuing to connect with you, our beloved community, in various exciting ways. As our CEO Brent Xu, says, "It is your continued engagement with the UX Chain that drives our growth, and for this, we remain committed to going the extra mile with you in building something truly remarkable."

Best regards,

The UX Team.


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